Osteobroth: It’s Good To The Bone

Every day there are claims of a new pill, magic elixir or another different trend that will make fat melt off and improve overall health. With the growing rates of obesity and sickness, it is obvious that the claims of these products are nothing more than that; a trend.

How did we detour so far off course? With such a high demand of quick and easy meals due to our hectic and fast-paced lifestyles, we began neglecting our bodies of the essential nutrients they desire.

Osteobroth is THE healthy and convenient alternative from higher-calorie and less beneficial bone broths currently on the market. Innovating how we provide our bodies with the nutrients it craves, Osteobroth provides a modern-day approach with proven health and nutrition benefits. This is not your grandmothers’ chicken soup.

Osteobroth has a great taste that not only makes healthy eating desirable, the convenience and added health benefits place it in a category in itself.

In fact, were so impressed with the convenience, taste and shelf life of Osteobroth, we are awarding it with our highest rating on Dietary Supplement News; 5 stars.

David Crooch is the founder of Osteobroth.
David Crooch is the founder of Osteobroth.

Handmade Oils, Ointments & Creams Oh My!

Why keep buying those expensive designer skin and hair care products when you can use natural ingredients yielding the same results from your own kitchen?

The best natural homemade skin and hair care products gives step-by-step instructions to make 175 formulas to treat all types of skin. These formulas include recipes to oils, ointments, creams, balms, shampoos and more.

Author and triple degree holder Mar Gomez does a wonderful job of catering the ingredients within her skin and hair creations to fit the desired outcome. Each page features a recipe with detailed instructions, tips for premium ingredients and measurements to use, and which skin or hair conditions the product is best used on.

Experiencing unwanted wrinkles, cellulite, acne or damaged hair? Gomez has a recipe for you.

Written by: EmmaJean Livingston

Love Your Liver!

One of the hardest working organs in the human body is the liver, so it should go without saying that everyone has their liver’s best interests in mind. But in the case that you don’t, or you’re just looking for some more guidance, The Liver Healing Diet offers plenty.

Dr. Michelle Lai and Asha R. Kasaraneni team up to answer the questions: what does the liver do, what happens when it can’t do what it’s supposed to, and how can you help your liver do everything it needs to do? According to them, “the liver performs more than 500 vital functions”. Buckle up. It’s a long ride that’s worth taking.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the liver and its many functions complete with helpful diagrams and labels for those who haven’t taken a biology class since high school. It also identifies the most common health issues that plague the liver and how those illnesses present as symptoms (your body’s way of sending red flags).


The second part of the book delves into creating a lifestyle that is beneficial to both the liver and overall health. Step by step, Dr. Lai and Kasaraneni discuss detoxification, diet, and exercise. They even answer some of life’s biggest mysteries, as they explain how to read food labels and just what all those vitamins and minerals really do for you.

The manual of healthy liver comes with a collection of recipes that promote a healthy lifestyle. No meal or food group is left untouched and full recipes for every time of day are included.
“In essence, your liver is a processing plant, storage facility, filtering station, and productive factory, all rolled into one,” write Lai and Kasaraneni. It’s high time we all start treating the liver like the powerhouse it truly is.

Written by Taylor Gulotta