Tag Archives: miracle kidney cleanse

Kidney Cleanse!

Cleansing has arisen as one of the latest trends, not only in the world of diets, but health in general. Cleanses have been developed for different organs, but none have been properly developed for one’s kidneys. The kidneys are essential to the body because they carry out the function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels. Many people tend to overlook their kidneys as a vital organ until something is seriously wrong with them. In her book “The Miracle Kidney Cleanse,” Lauren Felts explains that  once she after she started addressing the kidney holistically, the rest of her body system began to fall into place and chronic symptoms started to reverse themselves, and so many of the nasty ailments that seem to plague many of us dissipated edmedicom.com.

“The Miracle Kidney Cleanse” is different than other approaches because it integrates both Western and Eastern methods of medical practice that find true health resolutions. The cleanse is very gentle and has been designed to work with all body types and health states. Lauren Felt’s book  gives step-by-step instructions and recommendations that are very easy to follow. “The Miracle Kidney Cleanse” includes the kidney cleanse food plan, designed to last for 28 days.  The all-natural, food-based cleansing techniques will help your body increase its ability to detoxify itself. Additionally, for those who want a more permanent healthy change, the author has added lifestyle practices to accompany the cleanse.  “The world is changing, becoming more toxic, and the human body, as miraculous and fined-tuned as it is, was just not built for this type of this environment,” Lauren Felts says. We all need to take care of our bodies. This book can be used whether you are suffering from a chronic disease or are in perfect health. So if you want to feel healthy overall, this cleanse is for you!

By Akunna Ibe